Hello, I am Mary Brun.
I am specialized in Stringed Instruments Graphics and Art, based near Milan City.
Working on exclusive, custom graphics, fine art and illustration.
If you are seeking an original, sophisticated, elegant and minimal design or an original artwork
for your space, I would love to work with you.
"Mary is a pleasure to work with and the brief was followed precisely and in very good time.
She has a well implemented system to help you articulate your vision to her hand.
Highly recommend working with her and look forward to working with her in the future." Guy How
"Thank you very much for your high degree of professionalism
from creating the art down to the fine details, and being part of my identity." Markus Scheling
"Hi Mary! I really like it, I would love to take it like that!
I'm so thankful and happy you made the design, it's awesome!
I can't wait to see my business cards in real life.
You are very talented and have a great feeling for your costumers taste. Thank you so much!" Lisa Hellmich
"Fantastic! I have very much enjoyed working with you on this project
and will certainly recommend you to others.
I would also be happy to serve as a reference should anyone
want to speak with a highly satisfied client of yours.
Thank you for all of your work on this project. I am very proud of the result." Zachary Moen
Martignacco & Thomas Strings Logo design and Business card project · Illinois -
Geigenbau Atelier Logo design · South Corea - How Violins Logo design · Helsinki Finland -
Oficina dos Violinos Logo design · Porto Portugal - Markus Scheling Logo design · Reinfeld Canada - Streichinstrumente Szoradi Logo design · Berlin Germany - Emäsalo Music Festival Logo design · non-profit organization that develops the interest in music activities in Porvoo and Helsinki Finland. Artistic director Linda Hedlund - Lisa Hellmich Geigenbau Logo design · Munich Germany - Vuokrasoitin Logo design · Rental stringed instruments How violins · Helsinki Finland -
Ernesto De Luca violin maker Logo design · Castell’Arquato Italy - Zachary Moen Violins Logo design · Handcrafted violins, violas and cellos · Michigan USA - StringBridge Logo design · StringBridge promotes,
informs, and connects the global community of bowed stringed instruments musicians, luthiers,
organizations, dealers and shops · Michigan USA
Mabef Varese Italy - Casa Editrice Mani di Fata Milan Italy - Curioso, un cavallo all’avventura
Gruppo Editoriale Itsos Pisa Italy - Allures et Sentiment Equitare Siena Italy -
Nuda Libertà Equitare Siena Italy - Tutto Cavallo magazine Edizioni Il Ciclone Milan Italy -
Tutto Cavallo magazine Il Torchio Edizioni Milan Italy -
Cucire con Fantasia Fabbri Editori Milan Italy - Cavallo Magazine Solitaire S.p.A Milan Italy -
Capire il Dressage Franco Faggiani Editore Milan Italy - Purosangue Arabo magazine
Paolo Menon Editore Lecco Italy - Il Corrierino Rizzoli Egmont Publishing Milan Italy -
Canta con Luna Fabbri Editori Milan Italy - Star Dance Walt Disney Milan Italy -
Natura Mundi magazine Natura Es Edizioni Piacenza Italy - Bell’Italia magazine
Mondadori Periodici Milan Italy - Manuale Pratico di Equitazione Editoriale Olimpia Milan Italy -
Grooming Edizioni equestri Milan Italy
Horse Utopia Palazzo di Parte Guelfa · Florence 2014
Mary Brun Colombo Caffè · Varese Italy 2007
Colori, Atmosfere ed Oro Gitano Villa Visconti Borromeo Litta · Milan Italy 2007
Cavalli d’Arte Villa Visconti Borromeo Litta · Milan Italy 2004
Arteviva a Bologna Galleria del Centro Arte Bologna · Bologna Italy 2002
Artisti italiani a Parigi Galerie d'Art colours · Paris France 2002
Premio Agazzi Ars · Bergamo Italy 2002
Duetti d’Arte Chiesa s. Apollinare · Milan Italy 2002
Concorso Nazionale amici del Cavallo · Como Italy 1999
Ex Arte Equinus 5 International Equine Art Competition · Beaumont TX 2011 Onorable Mention
Associazione Amici del Cavallo · Como Italy 1999 Second placement
With a balanced handwriting drawn by anatomical notes of the Impressionist language,
this skilled artist managesto trace fascinating figures of horses in their natural dynamism.
Each creation is an intense moment, a magic that involvesthe instinctive world of animals
in a lyrical interpretationof exceptional plasticity. In the resulting images prevails an aesthetic taste
and this highlights the perfect knowledge of anatomy, while the preparation of the supports
makes the compositions interesting and fascinating.
Alberto Raimondi
Il talento artistico al servizio della passione dei cavalli Dothorse - Mary Brun MDarte portale di arte,
cultura, creatività - I cavalli di Mary Brun in mostra Varesenes il quotidiano online della provincia di Varese
Mary Brun la donna che disegnava i cavalli Artevarese settimanale online dell’arte e cultura
della provincia di Varese - L’Oro gitano arricchisce Lainate Lainate Notizie.